6 Tips for a Successful P2P Campaign
1. Make it easy for volunteers
With any group effort, there will be times when the quality will not be the same across all your initiatives. It is important that you train your peer-to-peer texting volunteers to ensure that all campaigns follow through on a chain of events to move users through your funnel. Perhaps you are trying to bring people out to a campaign rally, or you are soliciting donations for your not for profit. To facilitate this process and make it as simple as possible, give your campaign volunteers a rundown of how to start and end conversations.
2. Segment Your Lists
Once you have started messaging your contacts, assess what kind of communication they want to receive and also if there is specialized information or invitations they want to receive. For example, if someone wants to receive volunteer information make it known to them that they will be entered into the volunteer soliciting shout outs that will tell them when opportunities arise. Alternatively, if a receiver wants to just receive information about events you can ask them that and then add them to the “EVENT” list on your platform.
3. Data, data, data
As your campaign grows you as the campaign will need to recruit help to manage your conversations. You will build a team of agents who are making the conversations with your users streamlined, the difficulty will be to maintain quality control of your conversations. Create an expectation that your agents are responsible to provide data.
4. Teamwork makes the dream work
A way to improve your team strategy even more so, create customized teams which will allow you to ensure that the subject matter experts for your campaign goal are occurring. As campaign manager, it would be a worthwhile exercise to group your in-house volunteers into teams or pair new volunteers with those who are more experienced to train them and give them opportunities to respond after seeing experience. At the end of the day, your P2P campaign is a communication reflection of your political candidate, your business or your non-profit.
5. Have meaning in the message
When it comes to a P2P texting campaign, the adage you should follow is “less can be more”. With peer to peer texts a relatively new communication strategy, the worst thing you can do as a campaign manager sends too many messages to your user list. To ensure that you are making this communication meaningful make sure that you are ensuring the communication is personalized, and be on the lookout for using language that makes it clear to them that communication should stop. Ideally, you will have your opt-out instructions made clear to your users at the beginning of their communication.
6. Ensure Opt-In
Campaigns that have ensured opt-in from its members are more likely to receive positive responses from those you are messaging. Also, you need to receive opt-in from users in order to be allowed to send messages. Finally, you are likely to receive better response rates, higher engagement, and more positive responses from individuals that have chosen to be included in your messaging. The days of blanket spamming all of your contacts or scraping them from a database are no more.